Transformation for Julie

“I have been fit and active all of my adult life having run marathons, done some triathlons and some bike events.

I’ve also been overweight all of my adult life. I am a classic example of how you cannot out run a bad diet.

I had tried over the years to lose weight, sometimes more successfully than others but have always slipped back into bad habits and regained any weight I had lost and more.

I heard about the PT Centre through a friend (Linzi) who had achieved some amazing results. I’d never used a trainer before but was so inspired by the progress Linzi had made that decided to give the PT Centre a call. It was without doubt the best decision I have made in a long while.

I spoke to Adam who immediately put me at ease and invited me in for a chat. He assured me he could help and I started training with him the following week. Despite having been fit and active I had never lifted weights or done any kind of weight training before but I quickly realised that I loved it!

We concentrated on form, getting the basics right and with Adam’s help and support soon started to see changes.


Fat loss


He challenges me and pushes me and has helped me build my confidence both in the gym and in my day to day life.

Being accountable, knowing I had a weigh in every Monday, logging all my food and recording my measurements has helped me keep on track.

Adam and The PT Centre have helped changed my body and my mind and I will be forever grateful.”











weight loss






















For more information and to book a free consultation