How to keep motivated during the Winter months

Well, it feels like winter is fast approaching here at The PT Centre; the hoodies are on, the heating is up and we’ve even spotted some clients arriving in hats and gloves!

When the colder, darker months draw in, there tendency to want to stay inside, avoid venturing out for daily walks, to seek comfort food over a balanced diet is high. Sometimes winter can feel like a slog and getting up and out during the colder months often makes our motivation to hit the gym hit an all-time low. 

Confession: we’ve also skipped workouts because it’s just too cold outside, and our cosy sofa is hard to get off of.

The reduction in sunlight that comes with wintery months can impact and disrupt our body’s internal clock, which in turn can result in a drop in serotonin levels, impacting our mood and day-to-day outlook. So if you’re feeling the winter blues and looking for an extra boost of motivation to keep you on track and hit your goals, below, we’ve shared some of our best tips to help you stay motivated and positive when the temperatures dip. 

5 ways to keep yourself motivated for the gym when it’s cold

Here are our top 5 ways to stay motivated during the colder months: 

  1. Mini warm-ups to do before even leaving the house: Before getting ready to brace for the cold, try some active stretches in the warmth of your home first. This will help to get the blood pumping to your muscles and warm your body up.

    Trust us, the cold will feel like nothing if you’re already warm.

  2. Try something new: There’s nothing like finding a new fun fitness routine to keep you motivated and get yourself excited to turn up to the gym. Why not check out some of the services we have on offer at the moment. 
  3. Buy new gym wear: If you’re in the position to spoil yourself do so, new swag like running trainers makes getting out the door and hitting the gym so much easier. We’ve all heard of ‘retail therapy’ before and we love seeing clients looking and feeling good in the gym. 
  4. Tell someone you’re going to the gym: By letting a friend know what you’re up to, it means if you’re thinking about bailing you’ll have to think twice because you’ll have to own up to not going if you do. 
  5. And finally, think of the money! There’s nothing worse than feeling like you’ve wasted money by not doing something. Not going to the gym when you’re paying for a membership is a double whammy on your physical fitness and wallet. 

Hopefully, the colder, wetter weather isn’t putting you off achieving your fitness goals completely, but if you’re starting to feel the cold weather blues creep in, why not give one of the above a try? 

Just remember, you’re not the only one struggling to make your gym right now. By taking our advice, remembering your ‘why’ and surrounding yourself with people with similar goals, it’ll make those damp days and early starts a whole lot more worth it.