You needn’t wait till the new year to start your resolutions – simple.

Studies show that 91% of us won’t achieve our new year’s resolution, there are even websites out there that can predict what date you’ll give up on your resolution. So why wait only to fail?

New years has always been a time when people make changes and set themselves goals to improve themselves, but why wait till January? Change is one of the best gifts you can give yourself so why not start with the present?

Start changing your mindset now, don’t wait for an excuse

Making a change is about making a choice now and not waiting around to start them – if you are biding time for January then you’re not really in the right mindset to make a change in the first place. So it’s highly likely when you do start working on your resolution you won’t stay motivated enough to achieve your goal. Start making changes now, that way when the bells ring you’re already ahead of everyone else.

Often people fall in love with the idea of change instead of the action. “I’m going to go to the gym 5x a week” sounds impressive, right? but saying it is a lot easier than doing it. This is why it’s so important to make sure you’re setting yourself attainable goals, instead of things you know you’ll never accomplish.

Below, we share our favourite tips on how you can start to make small changes NOW (not later) to reach your fitness goals:

  • Set realistic goals

Remember it’s the long game, set yourself small goals through the year, that way you can tick these achievements off sooner.

Unrealistic goal: I’m going to the gym every day and by the end of week 2 I’ll have a six-pack.

Realistic goal: I’m going to work out three times a week and I’ll start to see results in a few months.

You’re not going to be able to do an Iron Man after a week at the gym, so don’t set yourself up for failure. Make lots of small goals to help you hit your end objective.

  • Don’t quit

It’s cold outside so it’s much easier to make excuses to not work out. When it comes to fitness it’s easy to become discouraged, but giving up is the worst thing you can do. Remind yourself results aren’t immediate. It’s takes time but you’ll get there just keep going!

  • Find support

Working out in groups or finding that extra motivation from a personal trainer, could be exactly what you need to help you stick to and achieve your fitness goals. Stats even show those who work out with friends are more likely to carry on with their fitness journey.

Adjusting your mindset and making lifestyle changes takes time, but once you do you’ll be able to fall in love with working out and the results will come flying in. If you need some motivation this winter season, check out our beating the winter blues blog.